Tap Into Your God-Given Gifts
Saturday Evening Sacristan: Sets up the sacristy and church prior to Saturday Evening Mass. Duties include dressing the chalice, setting up the candles for adoration, filling the holy water fonts, preparing Fr. K's vestments, and others. A deep sense of reverence for the liturgy and close attention to detail is required. Time commitment: one hour per Mass served.
Usher: Helps to make sure every Mass runs smoothly. Duties include greeting parishioners at the door, taking attendance, passing around the collection baskets during Mass, and making sure the lights are turned off and the doors are locked after Mass ends. Time commitment: 30 minutes before AND after each Mass served.
Lector: Open to young women from 8th grade onwards, lectors read the first and second readings from the ambo at Mass. Confidence in front of crowds and a clear speaking voice is necessary. Time commitment: minimal.
Cantor: Sings the psalm, hymns, and antiphons at Mass. Cantors generally sing by themselves in the choir loft, accompanied by the Music Director. Opportunities to sing in small groups for feasts and solemnities arise throughout the year. Time commitment: one or more hours of practice time in addition to serving at Mass.
Decorator: Sets out the decorations for the various liturgical seasons (e.g. the poinsettias around the altar during Christmas). Time commitment: 2-3 hours each time you volunteer.
Baptismal Gowns: We are looking for more volunteers to sew the gowns worn by babies during baptism.
Funeral Luncheon Server: Works with Deacon Mike DeWitte to serve food after funerals. Lunches are catered by Dobo's and are generally served in Handzel Hall immediately following a funeral Mass. Servants also clean the kitchen after the luncheon. Time commitment: 1.5 hours.
Rescue Project Host: Invites guests into their home to participate in the Rescue Project. Hosts are responsible for showing the Rescue video series over the course of a couple months as well as providing a meal and time for discussion during each session. Time commitment: 20+ hours across the span of 2 months.
Marriage Prep: Helps couples to prepare for entering into a sacramental marriage and living married Catholic life. For more details, speak to Andrew Zeisel.Meals Ministry: Prepares meals for those in need due to time constraints or lack of physical ability such as new mothers and the sick. You will be called and asked for help when there is need. Time commitment: meal prep time.
Welcome Ministry: Meets with new families and ensures that they feel welcomed in the parish community. Also serves as a point of contact for new members.Groundskeeping/Mowing: Tends to the flower beds and lawns at both campuses. Lawns need to be cleared of debris and mowed regularly. Flower beds need the weeds removed and plants watered regularly. Contact the parish office to adopt a flower bed. Time commitment: 1 hour per time slot filled.
Sound (A/V): Has expert knowledge of the sound and video equipment at the St. Peter campus. Manages the sound systems in the sacristy, choir loft, and St. Martha Hall before Mass and turns on the projector and TV when necessary.
General Maintenance: Handymen of all types needed! We are building a list of volunteer plumbers, electricians, boiler operators, carpenters, and more. If you are a tradesman or are generally handy, please consider sending your info to be added to the list.
Cleaning Team: Can be called to help clean the rectory, office, and either of the churches. Cleaning days generally fall before solemnities and major parish events. Time commitment: 3-4 hours per cleaning session.
Childcare Assistant: Supervises the children of event attendees (e.g. for Ars Vivendi and The Rescue Project). Childcare generally takes place in the cafeteria and lasts between 1 and 2 hours depending on the event. Games and toys are provided for the children. Time commitment: 15 minutes before and after a given event.
Cleanup Team: Assists with tidying the event space after the event has finished. Floors are to be swept, vacuumed, and mopped; tables need to be wiped; decorations need to be taken down, and trash needs to be thrown away. For events involving food, the kitchen needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Time commitment: 1-2 hours after an event.Food Preparer: Cooks and serves the food at events that require it. 15 to upwards of 80 meals will need to be prepared depending on the turnout of the event (the number of attendees will be told to you well in advance). Time commitment: a full day to prepare and serve meals.
Food Pickup: Picks up the food ordered for events with minimal food and libation requirements (e.g. Wilbur's coffee). Time commitment: 30-45 minutes of drive time as well as drop-off.Donut Sunday Host: Picks up the donuts and coffee for donut Sundays. Needs to be present after both Masses to serve parishioners. Responsible for setting up and cleaning afterwards. Time commitment: 3 hours.
Event Decorator: Assists with setting up and tearing down the decorations in St. Martha's Hall/Handzel/the cafeteria for events such as the annual barn dance and women's wine night. Decorations are generally supplied from the storage spaces in Handzel Hall and the rectory.
Event Coordinator: Works with staff to set up events at the parish. Responsible for coordinating with the event decorators, food servants, and cleanup team. Time commitment: 8+ hours per event.
Photographer: Takes photos during events and special Masses throughout the year. Then uploads and shares those photos with staff for use in parish communications. Time commitment: duration of events/Masses.
Lunch Assistant: Serves lunches to the K-8 students at St. Max Academy. Lunch Assistants work in the St. Max kitchen plating trays and distributing them to students. They also assist Mrs. Morris with cleanup after the lunch period. No cooking necessary - all lunches are delivered from Delano Public Schools. Time commitment: approx. 1 hour per week.
Recess Supervisor: Ensures the safety of students on the school playground. Supervisors monitor the students, keeping them within the boundaries of the playground, making sure their activities are safe and appropriate, and assisting them in the event of an injury. Time commitment: 45 minutes per week.
Front Desk Support: Acts as the receptionist at the parish office. The main duty of this role is to transfer phone calls and passersby to the appropriate staff member. You may also be asked to assist with minor administrative tasks. Time commitment: ~3 hours each time you volunteer.
Website Design: Assists with updating and arranging sections of the St. Max parish website. Aesthetically-minded individuals and competent writers are especially sought after. Time commitment: 1-2 hours per month.
Graphic Design: Designs posters and graphics used in our electronic communications.
Office Administrative Support: Assists with various administrative tasks, e.g. calling parishioners to update their information in the parish database. Works directly with St. Max staff in the parish office. Time commitment: approx. 3 hours per month.