past participants
Why is there something rather than nothing?
Why is everything so messed up?
What, if anything, has God done about it?
What is my role in this?
Come learn the answers in a way you never heard before -- the RESCUE Project
What is Rescue?
The Rescue Project teaches the gospel — the good news — in a compelling, succinct, and beautiful way that most people have not heard before. Developed by Fr. John Riccardo and his team at ActsXXIX, the program is taught over a series of weeks.
Our "home edition" of the Rescue Project will take place in different homes and on different days and times around town. It will begin the week after Easter and conclude with an All-Rescue Retreat on Saturday, June 3 at the church. Groups will meet once weekly during that time period, and each time will include food, a video, and time for prayer and conversation. Sign up for the site closest to you, or that offers the most convenient time. Your host will contact you by Flocknote after sign ups are complete.
The hosts are:
Click this SIGN UP LINK to choose the home that works best for you; space is limited so sign up soon.
There is no charge to attend.
Why Rescue?
The world is full of goodness — and despair; people are hurting, confused, overwhelmed, and seeking answers. People long for something — and Rescue knows what that something is and how to share it with others. We believe an urgent task is the compelling proclamation of the gospel, one that not only shares it in an attractive – and concentrated – way, but that also offers people a way of making sense of the world that is vastly different from the story our modern culture tells.
Who's it for?
The Rescue Project is for anyone and everyone (7th grade and older). It appeals to those who have been walking with Jesus for years, those who have fallen away from the Church, as well as those for whom Jesus is only a figure in ancient history. You do not need to be Catholic or a parishioner of St. Max Kolbe to attend.
One minute trailer video here